Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Post-Riding With Wolves

As some of you may already be aware through STM or Dropstitch, the Riding With Wolves show was launched at Pigeon Hole in Shafto Lane the other week to much praise and many a raised plastic cup of champagne. The other artists involved, including Sean Morris, Kate-Anna Williams, Jess Horrocks & Jessie Mitchell, all produced some outstanding work for the night and I was happy to see a few purchases on opening night. The crowd were, for the most part, lovely and a good night was had by all. The end.

"Liberian Girl"
Acrylic and pen on pine.

Oh yepper, before I leave you this is the piece I created for the show, with the toned-down hand gesture and different choice of lyrics than originally intended. Hope you dig it, I do.